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#1 Dec 25, 2020
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2020-12-25 18:10

Is a 2N3904 Model Built Into the PSPICE-TI Download?

I assume that it is based on this -

  1. I click on Place-Part
  2. At the bottom, I click on 'Search for Part' and enter '2N3904'
  3. Under Libraries, it shows '2N3904/Transistor.olb' - which I then double-click on
  4. At the top, it shows a long list of transistors, one of which is '2N3904/TRANSISTOR'
  5. So I click on it and hit the place button, and instantiate it onto the schematic, which it shows as Q1
  6. So based on this, I would think I am accessing a large library of transistors, from which I can instantiate them onto the schematic and can proceed to simulate the circuit behavior.
  7. But when I generate a netlist, the error is that 'No PSPICE template found for Q1'

So, I am totally confused as to why I can instantiate a part from a list of parts in a library, but apparently there is missing information in that instantiation that the netlister needs.  Why?  Now if it turns out that what I thought was a real library of models is in fact not the case, I guess I can download a text file of the 2N3904 model, and connect it to a symbol as described in the tutorial - which is ok.  I guess I am not understanding the "bigger picture" of how symbols and models relate to the schematic and the simulator.  Sometimes I think having this bigger picture understanding of what the tool wants is better than just a step-by-step procedure to do a specific thing.  Having the bigger picture I think is what is needed to debug problems.Thanks for any help on this issue.


Sat, 2020-12-26 11:51
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2018-03-21 12:19

The part that your placing is from the PSpiceforTI Capture library which is only used to draw schematics.  It lacks the property entries for simulation.  If you can get a text model for the 2N3904, set up a model library for that part.  Place a NPN breakout part on your schematic and then edit the IMPLEMENTATION property to reference that library model. 

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